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Convergence webinar

On 12 May 2020, the IMPACT Programme co-hosted a webinar with Convergence, the global network for blended finance, to share findings from their report, How to Mobilize Private Investment at Scale in Blended Finance. In this report, Convergence, DFID and stakeholders, re-visit Convergence’s 2018 Report: Who is the Private Sector? Convergence has convened a group of over 20 leading global privates sector investors to reflect on the current state of blended finance to identify key recommendations needed to accelerate the market.

The webinar brought forward perspectives from Credit Suisse, The GIIN, and Moody’s Investor Service and shared key takeaways based on conversations with over 20 private investors for building a more efficient and effective blended finance market. Follow this link to watch the webinar and read key reflections from the event.

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